Spiritual Retreat Program

Students are challenged to deepen their understanding of themselves in relationship to their family, peers and their God.  These days are integral to our Community.

To act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God.

— Micah 6:8

Reflection Days & Retreats

The Retreat and Reflection Day program offers all students the opportunity to spend some intentional, thoughtful and creative time considering their relationship with self, others and God; how they are unfolding into the loved human being that they are; and how they are being called to respond to the needs of others and their community.

Year 7-9 students participate in Reflection Days based on our College values of Endeavour and Excellence, Individuality, Compassion and Relationships. Year 7s and Year 8s have a second Reflection Day on Catholic Identity and Social Justice themes. The Reflection Days are grounded in Scripture and Christian values, allowing students to contemplate each theme in the context of their own lives and the broader community. The Reflection Days, away from the classroom, also offer a chance to strengthen bonds within their class and year level, to take a slower pace and notice challenges, opportunities, and ways in which they are invited to respond in their personal, community, and global life.

Similarly, Year 10 students participate in a retreat day on Servant Leadership and Stewardship.  

The first ‘residential’ Retreat is in Year 11, where students participate in a two day/one night retreat based on the theme of Sacred Story: the Spirituality of our Founders calling us to live our own sacred story. Students are invited to connect to their own sacred story through the stories of the Founders of the College: Edmund Rice, Nano Nagle, Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods.  

The Year 12 retreat is a further deepening of personal reflection. The year 12 students spend three days / two nights away together as a whole year level. Connecting to all of our College values,  Year 12 students are invited to notice their values as well as the truth of themselves being valued and valuable.


Ascent is a three year service and formation program based on our founding charisms for Year 10, 11 and 12 students. Year 10 students are introduced to service, servant leadership and following in the footsteps of founding Christian Brother Edmund Rice. In Year 11, students build on these service and outreach skills and the work of St Mary MacKillop and Julian Tenison Woods, founders of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart. Ascent culminates in Year 12 when students are truly encouraged to step outside their comfort zone and walk alongside those on the margins of our society, just as Nano Nagle, founder of the Presentation Sisters, did. Students who have participated in the program for at least Years 11 and 12 receive accreditation for the TASC course Community Service Learning.